30 Year anniversary

In just 30 weeks, YFC of Imperial Valley will be 30 years old! In honor of 30 YEARS of ministering to young people in the valley, we are looking for 30 PEOPLE to commit to give $30 A MONTH.

That’s right.

30 people, at $30, in honor of 30 years. 30 AT 30 FOR 30.

We're looking for folks who are not currently donating to YFC... OR, folks who ARE currently giving and are willing to increase their support by $30 or more.

AND if you join our group of 3O SUPPORTERS within the next 30 WEEKS, you’ll get a cool t-shirt with a cool design commemorating this special occasion! How does that sound??

Give us a call (760-352-7070) to make your pledge, or email us at info@yfc-iv.org. We’re looking forward to your partnership to help us reach more young people than ever before!
